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Trip-Planning Made Easy

The best way to pack is to gather everything you think you need, and then get rid of half…

A quick and easy site for pointers on how to pack less and still have everything you need is  We’ve all made the  mistake of packing entirely too much and ending up never even touching over half of the things we thought we would not be able to live without.  Learn from others’ experiences and resist the temptation to overpack!  You’ll thank us later.

For U.S. citizens, the United States Department of State website is a vital component of your upcoming study abroad and travel planning.  From finding information on passports and visas, to seeking out country-specific advice and travel warnings, and registering your trip before you depart (highly recommended!), this is your one stop shop for ensuring your trip is the safest and most relaxing experience possible.  As always, planning makes perfect!

The following link will get you started with a “Traveler’s Checklist”, “Your Destination”, “Personal Safety”, and “Your Health Abroad” sections at your disposal.

This next link is specifically for student abroad related matters.  Though many study abroad advisors should normally help you with these issues, it is always good to do your own research on the side.  Here you will find the “Smart Traveler Enrollment Program”, “Prepare Your Travel Docs”, and “Know What to Do in an Emergency” subpages.  You’ll even find information on how to vote while abroad!  Leave no stone unturned…