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Why Your Next Adventure Should Be A Road Trip

As millennials take over social media there has been a romanticization of traveling all over the entire world.  Jet-setting has become the new trend amongst twenty-somethings. With this trend, there has been a loss of love for the classic road trip.  And I believe it is time for someone to stand up for the lost art of road tripping.

There are several reasons why you should plan your next adventure as a road trip instead of hopping on an airplane. The first is simple: road tripping is cheaper than flying. You pay for the gas you have to put in your car, and if you take a more fuel efficient car, you could be saving yourself hundreds of dollars.  Another reason is that you have more control over your travel experience. You control what you listen to, who joins you, and how fast pace your travel pace is.  You can take a leisurely approach, making however many stops you want along your way. You can even go out of your way to see quirky things that most only read about in far-fetched travel magazines. If you are feeling like taking a really slow pace and time is not an issue, is there really a better way to travel? The final reason you should consider taking a road trip on your next vacation or for your next adventure, is because the journey to your destination becomes an adventure in and of itself, and not the over-crowded, chaotic airport type of adventure.

So then, grab some friends, pick a region to explore, and hit the open road for your next trip. Have an adventure of a lifetime driving to your next destination.

photo credit: Ian D. Keating The Road to Zion via photopin (license)

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Sarah Derrick is a second year honors student at Radford University. She is studying journalism and communication studies.  Sarah has a passion for taking trips both to places near home and to new countries! Her favorite thing to do in a place is find a food market and a rock climbing gym!
