I am an overpacker. No matter what I do I stuff my luggage with things I never use. I would like to think I am getting better, but I still struggle. So when it comes to packing, what rules do you follow to make sure you pack just enough? Or are you still figuring it out?
I have realized I am one of two extremes- a major overpacker or a major under packer. Depending on where I am going, sometimes I get in the mood where I can’t have enough, need a lot of options, and if I have the room, why not bring it? Other times, if it a short trip like a weekend trip, I challenge myself and try to fit everything into one small backpack and bring EXACTLY the amount I will need for the amount of days but when I do that, I end up wearing things more than once, needing more, being cold, etc. I am still trying to find that happy balance. On my most recent move to Bogota though, I am sure I overpacked. I have enough clothes and shoes for three people and am still having my parents bring me down more!
I’m terrible at packing. I usually overpack in things I think I’ll need for fun or the ride/flight there. Though I pretty much throw all of my clothes in, I always end up wishing I had more socks or shirts. Plus, there always happens to be a day that has completely opposite weather than what I packed for. I can never win! I don’t think any of us can..!
Packing is one of the hardest things to do when you are getting ready for a trip. But first off plan your outfits according to length of time and weather. Then plan on what to wear depending on what you will be doing. Don’t bring clothes you “think” you “might” wear. Pack clothes that are a necessity for whatever you are goi to do. The best advice I have gotten for packing is sticking to one or two color schemes. That way you always have something to match! Also keep room! When traveling you know you are going to buy things so always keep a little room for the trip back ! (:
I over pack all the time. I don’t really have any rules for packing abroad, just to bring more than I expect to use in case something unexpected happens. So basically I just pack as much as I can until my luggage weighs 50 pounds.