What advice do you have for LGBTQ students wanting to study abroad?

Home Forums LGBTQ Abroad What advice do you have for LGBTQ students wanting to study abroad?

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  • #3059 Reply

    As Pride 2017 approaches, what advice would you give to LGTBQ+ students interested in study abroad and/or travel?

    photo credit: chrisjohnbeckett London LGBT Pride Parade, 25 June 2016 via photopin (license)

    #3061 Reply
    Gabriel Pacana

    Definitely do research on how LGBTQ people are viewed and treated at the country. And read about any legislation that targets such people.

    #3084 Reply
    Cleo Barker

    Pre-departure research is definitely important to determine how a country views LGBTQ+ individuals, both culturally and legally. Students should also identify resources both at home and abroad. This guide provides general advice as well as a breakdown of specific resources by country. LGBTQ+ students might face additional challenges while studying abroad, but the goal of gaining valuable experience remains the same. As with any study abroad experience, students should try to learn as much as possible – both about a different country and culture as well as about themselves – and be prepared for anything, making sure to prioritize safety. With some prior knowledge about the country and available resources, students should be able to take advantage of the opportunity to travel and live in a different environment, and have a positive experience.

    #3085 Reply
    Evan Albrethsen

    I would say, go and have fun! It seems like most countries are becoming more and more open to LGBT issues. Of course, understanding the culture is very important. I think one has to adapt, no matter how difficult it makes the situation. Being adaptable and knowing when and when not to display your LGBT pride is important. Although the country as a whole may be becoming more open, there are those individuals who will think differently.

    #3086 Reply
    Alcimary Pena Minaya

    Any LGTBQ student looking for courses abroad shouldn’t be scared and pick a course based on what you are interested in. Be aware though that although countries are becoming more accepting, there are still some countries with people with negative views towards this group of people. Try and have fun but always be careful.

    #3087 Reply
    Libby You

    I think it’s important to first do your research about the countries you’re interested in and learn about the LGBTQ+ situation in each country and any resources you may have access to. But in the end, don’t let anything stop you from traveling.

    #3088 Reply
    Holly Silvestri

    I would say go and enjoy, while always being aware that your choice of country will impact how open you can be. You are best served by doing research and trying to contact any organizations you may find on the ground for more up to date and accurate info on what is currently the climate in the country.

    #3089 Reply
    Marie Terrier

    If you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, you need to look up and/or ask how people of that community are treated in the country/countries that you are interested in. There are still many countries where it is not accepted, whether it is legally or not. Indeed, sometimes even if there are laws to protect the rights of the LGBTQ community, some people often in rural towns are not as open-minded as people in the city. Also, you need to be careful as in some countries, living in a community is not really accepted. You have to be proud of who you are, but not separate yourself from the others just because you are part of the LGBTQ community.

    #3090 Reply
    Sasha Simonson

    The best course of action would be to educate yourself on the country’s viewpoint on the LGTBQ Community. It’s important to stay true to yourself, however, in some countries it is a viewed as a serious issue, and one should be conscious of this and approach the new country with caution.

    #3097 Reply

    When deciding what country to study abroad in, I would do some preliminary research on the treatment of LGBTQ community members in that particular country and factor that into my overall decision. While fortunately more and more countries are becoming accepting of all people, there are still some countries with more conservative views.

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