When should you study abroad, starting college or as you finish?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 4 months ago by Christina Van Otterloo.
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  • #2343 Reply

    When should you study abroad, when you start college or when you’re about to finish? Does it matter? Based on your experience, does it make a difference if you study abroad in your freshman and sophomore years to your junior and senior ones? And if so, which one is better?

    photo credit: Study Abroad in Machu Picchu via photopin (license)

    #2344 Reply
    Danielle Wilkinson

    My school encourages students to study abroad their junior year because by that point you have most of your pre-reqs out of the way, you’re actually taking classes in your major and you have a few electives you can take. It’s also before you’ve taken all the classes that they offer during study abroad and before you use up all your electives. But advisers also encourage students to study abroad the summer after their senior year before they start working to get a taste of international freedom before starting their career. I studied abroad the summer of my freshman year and I’m about to go again second semester of my junior year and I think they were both good decisions. I also know someone who studied abroad 4 times during her college career, a semester and then 3 summers. So whatever works with your schedule and won’t prevent you from graduating on time.

    #2347 Reply
    Christina Van Otterloo

    I did study abroad the summer after my freshman year, which I think was a good time since I wasn’t too busy with things or wrapped up in a career path. I do think this can be pretty early, especially if you’re in a program that caters to your major, but otherwise I’d recommend it. I see study abroad often aimed at or discussed among upperclassmen (juniors and seniors). Since they’re further in their studies, I think this makes sense, but you also get pretty busy and wrapped up in school/work by these years. Overall, I think the timing depends on a person and his or her major/ time.

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