Why is study abroad important?

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  • #2614 Reply

    Would love to hear creative responses to why is study abroad important?

    photo credit: Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs EducationUSA Global Showcase via photopin (license)

    #2632 Reply
    Libby You

    As a language major and a person who wants to speak every language possible, I think study abroad is very important for language learning. I always heard how the only way to master a language is if you go to the country and I never really believed it until I came back from study abroad. After coming back, I was amazed to see how much my listening improved, how I understand nuances, and how I instinctively knew how to form sentences.

    #2633 Reply

    I believe that when studying abroad students are able to discover their threshold for change. Studying abroad is taking a student from their comfort zone and transplanting them into a new culture, surrounded by unfamiliar professors and students who learn in different ways. These factors allow students to grow more as a person while they are abroad. Studying abroad is an integral opportunity in the higher education system for students to be able to grow both inside and outside of the classroom.

    #2636 Reply
    Ebonie Ellison

    As a history major my nose has always been in a textbook I have learned of cultures from books movies and the media. I have read of the green sea in Ireland but I have not smelled and tasted the salt of it as it came in from the shore.The experiences that I will attain while in Ireland this coming year are a way of connecting to the history I have read so much about. Connecting to the land and the people. We have this one life and we can choose to fill our cup with so may experiences. When it is all over I want to have gone to the places I’ve read about. I want my cup to be filled to the brim.

    #2637 Reply
    Asia Hester

    Studying abroad will help you learn a lot of yourself as a person and student, while all together help to broaden your horizon. I have friends who have studied in China, Morroco, France, and some Latin-American countries they tell so much about the culture and how it’s changed their view of the United States. If you aren’t ready to travel alone, academic study abroad can be a wonderful opportunity to get that experience learn about intercultural communication and more.

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