Healthy Travel Part III: Boost Your Mood and Creativity

In partnership and collaboration with Positive Health Wellness This article continues from Healthy Travel Part II: Escaping Everyday Stress Boost Your Creativeness to Boost Your Health Did you know that more creative people are healthier? Okay, so this isn’t in every single case, but you will help to improve your life and health by focusing on a […]

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Manuel Antonio National Park

 One of Costa Rica’s most frequented spots is Manuel Antonio National Park. Located just 110 miles from San Jose, the park is full of biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes. Capuchin monkeys jump from branch to branch, sloths lounge within the canopies, lizards and iguanas climb the trees, and waves roll towards the beach while birds chirp […]

Close up on a couple holding hands in the park in autumn

Communication from Abroad: How to Keep Relationships Healthy While Away

How to Keep Relationships Healthy While Away Getting accepted into a study abroad program means winning a mini-break from your day-to-day life. You get to live in another country, explore beautiful landscapes, meet new people and then, finally, you’ll return home. What you may sometimes forget amidst all the excitement, and hustle and bustle, is […]


Tricks to Traveling On the Cheap

Everybody wants to see the world, but unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. When burdened by expenses ranging from the monthly mortgage to the daily dinner budget, it is common for that vacation fund to slowly drip down the drain. However, there are plenty of ways to travel for little to no cost at all. […]